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2010年1月22日 (金)



In a recent video post on spinning bells a few sharp-eyed people contacted me about the handlebars, noting that they did not appear to be the standard rod-brake type.

The handlebars used in the video are a recent find.  For lack of a better name I will refer to them as bull-horn brake levers.

One look and you will note that the handlebars employ a unique design.
As those who contacted me correctly pointed out, they lack the hoizontal rods that typically run parallel with the front of the handlebars. Instead the mechanism is internal, or "through-the-bars".

The grips are made of celluloid signalling 1950s or earlier.

The open end of the levers is the opposite of conventional levers.  As pointed out by a fellow enthusiast, this makes perfect ergonomic sense since the strongest part of the hand is applied to the portion of the lever that is at the greatest distance from the fulcrum; ie providing optimum braking leverage.

The force from the levers is conveyed to the brake rod via a small internal chain. Img_9367

The front proudly displays the manufacturer, Nichibei Fuji.

I have seen this type of handlebar on the infamous Fuji Hao.
The photo below is from a 1953 export catalog. Click on the photo below.
The Fuji Hao is a story in itself but I will save that for another day.
Also, for all of you who are going to contact me about the “transparent (see-through) celluloid chain case” yes I do have one and will save it for a future post I am planning to do on chain cases.
I will continue with the topic of handlebars in the next English post.
Kindly note that the next post will be the Japanese version of this one.

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Very interesting handle bar! I wonder how they're going to change the chain connecting the brake lever if it happens to snap...more post pls. Luv this site.

Thanks for the compliment. Always happy to hear from a fellow classic bicycle enthusiast. Yes, I too thought the same thing...what if the chain snaps?
Check back every other week for more Engish posts. The week after next will be more on handlebars including another, yet different, "through the bar" style of handlebars.

Must....restrain.... self.....

Handlebars....calling...to....me.... please stop!!

Seriously beautiful stuff as always Richard. Now I just need to get a Fuji in the stable...

BTW: How is Nichibei Fuji different from "other" Fuji bikes? Is it just a separate manufacturing location?

Or is it a separate company fomr Fuji in the way that Triumph Bicycles, Triumph Cars, Triumph Motorcycles, and Triumpf Motorcycles (Germany) were all once related, but then splintered apart.

I have several parts, but no Fuji in the stable. It is hard to find bicycles over 50 years old that are worth restoring, but I'll keep trying.

Founded in 1899 the company fell short by one year of becoming a centurian. Yep, 99 years! Pretty damn good.
Started as a trading company importing bicycles and then later around 1920 began manufacturing bicycles.

After going broke in 1998, it was taken over by I believe Advanced Sports, Inc., a US bicycle distributor. The actual bicycles are made today in Taiwan and elsewhere.




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