« 謹賀新年 | トップページ | Ringing in the New Year »

2010年1月 3日 (日)

New Year's Resolution 【新年抱負】


When I originally started this blog two years ago, the intent was to do it in both English and Japanese.  That plan failed miserably as my debut post and my second post were the only bilingual posts.  Every post thereafter was in Japanese.  But my New Year's resolution (one of many) is to solve this problem. 


The purpose of the blog is to highlight and share with not only the Japanese, but the world, what I consider to be the Golden Age of Roadsters and Carrier Bicycles in Japan.  Mainly bicycles produced in and around the 1950s. 


If I write English and Japanese the post tends to become too long. From here on out I will first post an article in English, and, the following week post the Japanese version of the same article. Thus I will be revisiting many of the previous articles, updating them and re-posting them in Japanese, and, posting them for the first time in English.   


« 謹賀新年 | トップページ | Ringing in the New Year »

昭和レトロ自転車 (Vintage Bicycles)」カテゴリの記事

日本語の記事 (Postings in Japanese)」カテゴリの記事



Nice to see that you will now be posting in both Japanese & English as I really enjoy checking out your blog and I have a Sekine roadster to check out that is for sale nearby and if it's a good deal I may purchase it. You blog has given me a re newed interest in Japanese rod brake roadsters so keep up the great work.


Glad to hear you will be enjoying the blog more with posts every other week in English. Good luck with the Sekine roadster, just be careful it could become addictive!

Hi Richard

I have added a link on my blog to your site if that's ok as I'm sure many people living abroad have no idea of what trad Japanese roadsers look like. Don't worry I won't get addicted to them as my bike collection now is rather small due to not having enough space. In NZ many years ago I had 200 bicycles ( that was long before I got married )

Cheers Don

Hi Richard

I have added a link on my blog to your site if that's ok as I'm sure many people living abroad have no idea of what trad Japanese roadsters look like. Don't worry I won't get addicted to them as my bike collection now is rather small due to not having enough space. In NZ many years ago I had 200 bicycles ( that was long before I got married )

Cheers Don

Thanks for adding my site to your blog. Even though this site is mainly Japanese vintage bicycles everybody loves a good roadster, Japanese or foreign. With that in mind I would like to introduce your site here if that is okay with you and use a few photos of that amazing Humber of yours.

Wow the Ordinary project is really something. I've read how to silver solder and all about building a frameset and would love to attempt it. Must be an amazing sense of accomplishment to actually ride something that you built by hand.

I happened to have a member on the forum I'm apart of that had acquired a Japanese bicycle apparently from the ww2 era and i decided to think out box and search Google japan which brought be to this blog if you could can give some information about the bicycle in the thread from the link below Thanks http://thecabe.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?9118-antique-bike

Hi Patrick
I am not familiar with the brand. I tried to view the bicycle at the thread you kindly provided but unfortunately I am not a member of the site and thus was unable to view the photo.
I'd be happy to take a look, just send photos to: showajitensha@hotmail.co.jp




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