Company Logo & Name (Part 3)
In the previous posts on Company Logos & Markings (Part 1) and (Part2) we took a close look at photos sent in by S-san the proud owner of a very well preserved Hikari bicycle manufactured by Dai Nippon Kougyou. So far, we found a total of 65 "Hikari" markings. There are also plenty of "Dai Nippon Kougyou" (DNB) markings, but we are focusing soley on "Hikari" markings; either spelled out in English or the Chinese character 光. We have covered the front wheel portion, handlebars and main frame triangle. This week we will continue our count and examine the the chaincase, crank arms, cotterpin covers and pedals.
The Hikari chaincase is a fully enclosed case typical of high-end models.
(Click on photos to enlarge)
Badges are a common feature on chaincases from the 1950s.
The Hikari has a large elegant badge bearing both the logo and name "Hikari Bicycle". (2)
The chainwheel cover has one company logo. (1)
The bracket that secures the chaincase to the chainstay has the company logo. (1)
Each of the cotterpin covers have the logo.(2)
Each of the crank arms also has the logo. (2)
The crank arms are typical of the high-end models having rounded aerodynamic contour.
Each of the rubber blocks, two per pedal, has the logo on top & bottom.
Total of four blocks times two logos per block. (8)
Each of the pedal end covers has the Hikari logo. (2)
Photo of the crank arm for the left side.
This time we have seen a total of 18 "Hikari" markings. When added to the 31from Company Logos & Markings (Part 1) and the 34 from (Part2) gives us a total of 83.
Next week will be the Japanese version of this post. I will be back with another English post soon, until then "stay trued and happy wheels".
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