Donated Fender Ornaments
Each week I receive quite a bit of email from both inside and outside Japan. Queries regarding repair, restoration or information on a particular manufacturer or model. A few weeks ago I received a surprise. It was an email in Japanese from a Mr. "M", who resides near Mt Fuji. He writes: "While cleaning out my garage I came across these old bicycle fender ornaments, if you are interested in them I'll be happy to let you have them. " Below is the actual photo that accompanied the email..
I have to admit I was impressed. That Mr. "M" would take the time and trouble to go out of his way to search the Internet to find a good home for these historical bicycle artifacts instead of allowing them to become scrap metal. Thank you Mr. "M", your kind donation is very much appreciated and supports this blog's purpose: the restoration, preservation and research of bicycles from before, during and just after the 1950's.
Vintage Japanese bicycle fans will quickly recognize the Nichibei Fuji (top left) and the Miyata (top right). What was interesting for me was that there were four different fender ornaments from the same manufacturer. The manufacturer's trade mark was crossed fountain pen tips. Strange? Maybe from today's perspective. But one must remember that before the age of electronics, most catalogs consisted of bicycles, victrolas, hand or pedal powered sewing machines, wind up clocks, and, yes, fountain pens. As can be seen below the crossed fountain pen tips are inside the circle. Note that this symbol (trade mark) can be found on all four of he following fender ornaments.
Plate Type(←Japanese only)
Oldest type of fender ornament.
Figure Type (←Japanese only)
Probably originally from heavy duty carrier bicycle.
Logo with wings.
Probably originally from a roadster model.
In Japanese the word for fountain pen 万年筆 is written with the characters meaning "ten thousand year quill" as prior to the fountain pen people were required to "dip" and write. So if taken in context, for the era, one realizes the significance of the fountain pen, its association with long lasting, state-of-the-art technology and precise machining. Hmmm....not a bad trade mark when you put it in context.
A special thanks to Mr. "M" for his generous donation and support for my cause, the restoration, preservation and research of bicycles from before, during and just after the 1950's.
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「昭和レトロ自転車 (Vintage Bicycles)」カテゴリの記事
- 長寿自転車商会(取材準備中)(2024.08.11)
- Long Life Bicycle Shop (Pre-interview)(2024.07.28)
- 長寿自転車商会とサイゴンのカレー(2024.07.14)
- Bicycle Sidecar (Ambulance)(2024.02.10)
- 丸金(マルキン)自転車 (前半)(2023.07.23)
「パーツ関係 (Parts Related)」カテゴリの記事
- 自転車チャイルドシート(2024.04.21)
- Child seats(2024.04.07)
- ペダル(2024.03.24)
- Pedals(2024.03.09)
- 金線の引き直し方(2024.01.01)
「英語の記事 (Postings in English)」カテゴリの記事
- Long Life Bicycle Shop (Pre-interview)(2024.07.28)
- Long Life Bicycle Shop and Saigon Curry(2024.06.30)
- Tool Reference (Hataya English)(2024.06.02)
- Child seats(2024.04.07)
- Pedals(2024.03.09)
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Very interesting stuff. Especially the one fender ornament titled "Johnson" in English. Why?
If you are interested in some Chinese and Indian fender ornament,s I did a short write up a while back.
投稿: JS | 2011年11月26日 (土) 11時25分
Fender ornaments deserve their own special chapter in the history of bicycles. I find them fascinating. Enjoyed your article, even the second time around. You mentioned baskets and part of the reason the fender ornament faded away was due to the proliferation of the "front basket".
Why Johnson? I suspect two reasons. The first is that it could have been an actual import from abroad; but more likely marketing, ie simply putting a foreign name on something made it appeal to the masses as foreign products were considered better.
投稿: To: Jeff | 2011年11月26日 (土) 17時04分
Hello. This is a beautiful emblem. Could I buy it?
Olaf Heye
投稿: | 2014年9月 2日 (火) 06時10分
Sorry, not selling any of the emblems at this time.
投稿: Olaf Heye | 2014年9月 2日 (火) 12時06分