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2013年10月19日 (土)

Fuji Feather (Part 4 Rear-end)



In the first installment of this series "Fuji Feather Part 1 Introduction" I mentioned that this was a very rare lady's high-end model, that there were far too many details to cover in a single post and that we would look at it in three separate installments:  "Fuji Feather Part 2 Front-end", "Fuji Feather Part 3 Mid-section" and in this, the fourth and final installment, we will look at the rear section.




One look at the rear section and three things immediately catch one's eye:
1. Creased rear fender and elegant dove tail design
2. Rear carrier has the letters F-U-J-I cut out
3. Rear reflector is both shaped like the Nichibei Fuji logo and has the letters F-U-J-I cut out.


Here is a better look at the rear carrier and reflector.
Nichibei Fuji was noted for designing their company name and logo into parts as we previously saw with lock, front brake fork brackets, chainwheel, and other parts.


Rear carrier with the letters F-U-J-I cut out.Img_20130826_202238450_4


Let's take a closer look at the dove tail design.


Here is the profile of the dove tail design. Img_20130814_190652991_4


Original rear band brake is stamped with the Nichibei Fuji logo, as well as the kickstand. and rear fender stay.


Band brake chainstay bracket with Nichibei Fuji logo.Img_20130908_230338811_2


The rear hub also bears the Nichibei Fuji logo.Img_20130723_225658914


I'd like to thank the original owner, Ms. "Y", a woman from Chofu City, Tokyo, who received this beautiful bicycle as a present from her dear husband the year they were first married back in 1958. And, the bicycle proprietor Mr. Yamano who lovingly restored this wonderful machine at the request from Ms "Y" to rekindle the fond memories of her beloved late husband.  Thanks to these kind folks, we were able to see and enjoy both an extremely rare Nichbei Fuji Feather lady's high-end model, and, an amazing restoration that went from this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


to this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

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