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2016年10月29日 (土)

Mountain Day & Nichibei Fuji Part 3



In the first installment Mountain Day & Nichibei Fuji (Part 1) we noted that Nichbei Fuji used Mt Fuji as its trademark; the company was known to go to great lengths to design-in their trademark into parts (See also Fuji Feather Series 1, 2, 3, 4) the most common example being the infamous Nichibei Fuji fender ornament.  In the second installment we saw a fine example of the Nichibei Fuji trademark designed into a lock.  In this, the third installment, we shall take a look at yet another part that Nichibei Fuji designed-in their trademark.


At first glance this appears to be a snow capped mountain.  But actually this is the top portion of a white enamelled Nichibei Fuji rear reflector.Img_2539


Here is the Nichibei Fuji reflector.
Note how the top is mountain shaped, and, the bottom has the letters FUJI cut out.


Nichibei Fuji fenders had a distinct pointed, mountain shape, the countour is apparent in the design of the reflector.



Nichibei Fuji reflectors came in various sizes for different models.

Here is an example without the FUJI letter cutout, only the mountain peaks.


In the next installment in this series we shall take yet another look at a part where Nichibel Fuji designed-in the company trademark.

« 号外!長寿自転車商会テレビ出演 | トップページ | 山の日と日米富士 (第3回) »

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« 号外!長寿自転車商会テレビ出演 | トップページ | 山の日と日米富士 (第3回) »