Yamaguchi MARUWAI-GO (②Before/After)
Amazing job indeed, especially when one considers it was his first project. Let's take a closer look. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words" so I will let the before/after photos speak for themselves.
Head Tube 【Before・After】
Fork, Fork Crown, Front Brake 【Before・After】
Frame 【Before・After】
Rear Fender 【Before・After】
I am a firm believer that most old things, not only bicycles, but pumps, wooden furniture, weight driven and wind-up clocks (link Japanese only), manual typewriters, rotary lawn mowers and the like, precisely because they are simple, sturdy, made of genuine materials and made well (built-to-last) in the first place, as opposed to being disposable, with a little elbow grease can indeed be brought back to life.
The level of detail is outstanding.
Mr H has clearly proven that "If it was made well in the first place, it will come back to life”.
« 山口自転車マルワイ號(①プロジェクトの選択) | トップページ | 山口自転車マルワイ號(②ビフォア・アフター) »
「昭和レトロ自転車 (Vintage Bicycles)」カテゴリの記事
- 長寿自転車商会(取材準備中)(2024.08.11)
- Long Life Bicycle Shop (Pre-interview)(2024.07.28)
- 長寿自転車商会とサイゴンのカレー(2024.07.14)
- Bicycle Sidecar (Ambulance)(2024.02.10)
- 丸金(マルキン)自転車 (前半)(2023.07.23)
「レストア関係 (Restoration Related)」カテゴリの記事
- 金線の引き直し方(2024.01.01)
- Pinstripe Restoration Tips(2023.12.17)
- 丸金(マルキン)自転車 (後半)(2023.08.19)
- Marukin Bicycle (Second Half)(2023.08.06)
- 丸金(マルキン)自転車 (前半)(2023.07.23)
「英語の記事 (Postings in English)」カテゴリの記事
- Long Life Bicycle Shop (Pre-interview)(2024.07.28)
- Long Life Bicycle Shop and Saigon Curry(2024.06.30)
- Tool Reference (Hataya English)(2024.06.02)
- Child seats(2024.04.07)
- Pedals(2024.03.09)
« 山口自転車マルワイ號(①プロジェクトの選択) | トップページ | 山口自転車マルワイ號(②ビフォア・アフター) »