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2021年12月12日 (日)

Maruishi Fender Ornament (Kangaroo) Part 7


In the first four installments (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) we traced the origin of the kangaroo trade mark used by Maruishi Shokai on its Premier model which was first imported from Premier Cycle of Coventry, England in 1912.  In Part 5 we noted that even prior to 1912, Maruishi was already importing bicycles from the US, namely Pierce models.  And, in the previous post (Part 6), we looked at the other trade mark first used by, and exclusively for, Maruishi.

In this post, the final installment in the Maruishi series, we will look at the Maruishi Building.  Completed in 1931 the building still stands today and is an important part of Tokyo architectural heritage. In 2002 the building was registered as a "tangible cultural property of Japan".

Here are two illustrations of the building dating back to 1937.

Here are three English advertisements from 1953, 1954 and 1956, which feature the Maruishi Building.

(1954  Note the "neon cyclist" sign)

(1956  Note the "neon cyclist" sign)

The building was also used on some Maruishi guarantee medals.

The ground floor is quite ornate, espescially the entrance.
Photo courtesy of レトロな建物を訪ねて

So, take a look at the photos of Maruishi Building and pay attention to the ornate entrance with its stone lion guardians and many other animal sculptures. 

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